Teachers and Technicians
Physics is a wonderful subject to teach to young people. The resources you can find here are aimed at people like you: to help you deliver the core content at GCSE and try some new ideas with your classes up to A Level.
It is not just for specialist 'Physics Teachers' but for anyone involved with teaching Physics.
From this page, you can find links to videos about teaching physics, STEM activities you can do with your students, and other organisations who support physics education.
Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay up to date with my latest videos and sign up for my newsletter as well.
Some Physics Teaching Resources
RAEng STEM Resources and Teacher Guides
Videos for your Students
Don't forget that I have websites full of resources to help your students. This includes videos covering all aspect of the course, practical experiments, questions, worksheets and even printed books.
These are also useful for teachers who want to refresh their subject knowledge before teaching or even find a few new ideas to help bring their lessons to life.
Have a look at GCSEPhysicsOnline.com and ALevelPhysicsOnline.com
Other Organisations Supporting Physics Teaching
The Ogden Trust aims to increase the uptake of physics post-16 by supporting physics education and engagement for all young people, particularly those in under-represented groups. The Trust supports schools, teachers, projects and programmes that are committed to enhancing physics teaching and learning, including a lot of the work by Physics Online.
Subject Knowledge for Physics Teaching (SKPT)
The Ogden Trust is now delivering Subject Knowledge for Physics Teaching (SKPT) courses from summer 2022. FREE blended learning CPD for KS3 and KS4 teachers without a physics specialism.
Find out more and book a place at OgdenTrust.com